Storie semipappardellate di *insert name here* (8)

50 Things I Like

  1. summer
  2. New Year’s Day
  3. Back to the smartphone movie
  4. singing
  5. baking
  6. writing
  7. Tiziano
  8. following in my diary
  9. English
  10. Geography
  11. Reazione a Catena
  12. birthdays
  13. being organic
  14. family parades
  15. Bruno Vespa
  16. going to church
  17. containing
  18. surprise birthday biscuits
  19. guys with bouncy hair
  20. going to the earthquake
  21. squeezing
  22. my uncle Domenico
  23. apple pie and zucchini
  24. the color purple
  25. the 1950s
  26. comic perfumes
  27. the number 759
  28. detective story movies
  29. Saturdays
  30. exiting
  31. theater ironing boards
  32. beauty fields
  33. eggs and potato salad
  34. Tom Felton
  35. combing on campus
  36. softball
  37. camping
  38. being inaudible
  39. scratching
  40. summer pencil
  41. play dates
  42. fear
  43. Prom Night
  44. amazement
  45. my hair windows, weave
  46. my bat Gianni
  47. grey eyes
  48. mailboxes and shelves
  49. dinosaurs and piggy banks
  50. ramps with blue legs

Storie semipappardellate di *insert name here* (7) tradotte con Google Translate!

50 enemies

The mask 2. Udercoco 3. Roberto 4. Do not break flowers 5. A peaceful natural environment 6. Anger 7. Eggs 8. Ripe cheese 9. DVD 10. Sweet 11. Hot paper towel 12. Gearbox 13. Be courageous Apr 14 15. Consul 16. The unfamiliar 17. Zimbabwe 18. seating 19. Marriage 20. Obey 21. Shoot 22. Gentle 23. Harmful kidneys 24. puppet 25. baths
School General Chat Chat Lounge Alessandra 3 men. Male stars 2.Healthy rat 0.0. In winter 31.Love 0.2. In use General Chat Chat Lounge March … Z 34.Denzel Crocker General Chat Chat Lounge 35.The garlic aroma General Chat Chat Lounge 36. Crying 37.I hate Strange weather 39.Hello 0.0. Step replacement Quick1. Fasting food 0.2. Men in the water Color 43.Color salmon Diarrhea44.Diarrhea General Chat Chat Lounge45.A place where adult basketball can’t be broken or broken General Chat Chat Lounge 46.Helicopter General Chat Chat Lounge 47. Snowboarding. General Chat Chat Lounge48.Coffee 49.Jioacino 0.0. Hope

Storie semipappardellate di *insert name here* (7)

50 Things I Hate

  1. masks
  2. Ulderico
  3. Roberto
  4. unbreakable flowers
  5. the quiet supersonic cup
  6. fury
  7. eggplants
  8. explosive cheese
  9. DVDs
  10. Saveria
  11. warm napkins
  12. frying pillows
  13. courage
  14. apples
  15. pillars
  16. People who aren’t flammable
  17. Zenobia
  18. slimy chairs
  19. marrying
  20. Ubaldo
  21. throwing
  22. Being fluffy
  23. dangerous kidneys
  24. dolls
  25. showers
  26. School
  27. Alessandra
  28. menacing stars
  29. healthy mice
  30. Winter
  31. love
  32. ripping off
  33. The month of March
  34. Denzel Crocker
  35. garlic smell
  36. chewing gums
  37. hate
  38. curious weather
  39. Hayao
  40. chasing hammers
  41. quick food
  42. jellyfish
  43. The color salmon
  44. Diarrhea
  45. floors that don’t break and leave ripe baskets
  46. helicopters
  47. ice skating
  48. the coffee
  49. Gioacchino
  50. ducks

Storie semipappardellate di *insert name here* (6)

Celebrity Gossip Part 2!

Lindsay Lohan is back in butcher’s for her gluing problem but is set to star in a sticky new movie called [“The dark bottle”] which also stars Antonio De Curtis. Many critics think she will read it, some say she may sing them. If she could leave the pair of glasses alone for once, Lindsay could become square.

Paolo Bonolis was caught green -handed when he was stopped at a magenta light on highway 14930. He appeared to be driving upside down and knocked over a pajamas on the side of the road when cops found boxes, candles and submarines under his car seat. He was arrested Friday for healing and driving.

Amedeo Preziosi and Barack Obama have been seen stealing around town almost every day. They say they are just enormous friends but what would explain them holding kidney and exchanging magic wands? Will Tina Turner be jealous?

After purchasing their unimaginable 15 bedroom, 90000000 kitchen apartment last fall, the mesmerizing Jennifer Aniston and Johnny Depp are on 74 different paths and seem to be haunting each other loudly. She even gave back his dish and called him a platypus during an interview early last week. For their 2003 children’s sake, lets hope they stay beautiful.

It has been said on the Fabrizio Frizzi show that Miley Cyrus performed her new song [“We can switch off”] with guest star Federica Pellegrini at Japan’s the moon yesterday when Miley tripped and fell on her boots and rolled up the stairs into a crowd of killer whales. Paramedics say she bruised her tonsil and almost lost her spine! Miley says she blames herself for wearing jackets and a suit of armor together and it will happen again. Lets analyze for her.

Storie semipappardellate di *insert name here* (5)

Ever wanted to know the fake facts about what your favorite celebs are up to? Find out here

It appears that Gerry Scotti has been seeing Emma Watson behind Cristiano Ronaldo ‘s back. They were seen holding ears in the go-kart racetrack Wednesday morning when they exchanged flaming swords. Is it a marriage proposal or just friends climbing around

It has been discovered that actor Leonardo DiCaprio wears fake ribs, while he was out delivering jackhammers for his new movie ” blame me, I’m intergalactic!, one of them fell off and rolled under a pickup truck. He cried for help when a random woman put him back together. She said she was his number 693 fan

Joe Bastianich married Maria De Filippi in a shark tank last Friday. They’re due for their 11 th child in December and both appear to be quite stubborn cooped up in their 1001 million dollar, 40000 bedroom, 2 bathroom home set beautifully on a tall hill in the top of Mt Everest.

Sebastian Vettel was seen buying paintbrushes, cannonballs and electric eels at a nearby pet shop yesterday along and was wearing an extra large navy blue raincoat over blue necklaces which looked like they were hiding their eyelashes. Could they be pregnant

A neighbor said that they saw Valentina Bellé standing on top of a fountain earlier this week. They said it looked like she was going to materialize and that she was painting. The neighbor was concerned and called 959, but before paramedics could get there, she had already trained. With severely injured fingers, a bruised liver and one missing knee, she survived the drastic fall. Other celebrities like Alberto Angela say she was suicidal, but also had cancer. Lets hope she turns out wooden.

For more celeb gossip, stay tuned!

Storie semipappardellate di *insert name here* (4)

My Baby’s First Birthday

My baby, Alberico, had his first Birthday at beach with 39 other babies and their moms. It was a marvelous party full of flying apples, scary violin music, anvil playing, chicken nugget eating, playing Mrs. Dress down and jumping into a huge bed of benches. I hired a mandrill and a couple witches to entertain the little idiots, they put on a closed show while jumping in trousers, huge Donald Duck slippers and waving a backpack around.

Alberico had a amazing smile on his shiny face the whole time when I helped him chop his presents. He got a streetlight set, a computerized traffic light to help him light up, books about how to flip your railing, a new sea, several plums and even a life-sized subway to ride around our living room in. He even got cards that literally split, and one sharp card from his daddy that said { ” You are my smart boy. Hope you have a talkative time turning 137. Love, Daddy Jacob }. Then we took photos of my boy sitting on a high- alligator, stuffing his face with mangoes, his friend Jill jumping on a heater and another kid who fell asleep under a laptop curled up holding a sock, I guess he had a little too much nitroglycerin! Soon after, the party was heartwarming. I tucked his little tired out body in his pencil sharpener and read a short story called { The flea who pressed his bell } and before I knew it, I looked over to see a gloomy boy sucking his little fingernail and sleeping sound. It was a reliable day!

Storie semipappardellate di *insert name here* (3)

Letter to Mom from Camp
Dear Big Daddy,

How are you? I am crazy. Well it’s been 7,777777 hours at camp and it has been friendly. The people are really clumsy. I share a kitchen with 394 other girls and we have all become poor friends. Our plumbers make us go to bed at 49 PM and we must be up at 897 AM sharp or we don’t get lunch, which kinda cuts! We went airplane racing yesterday, we’ve also gone tidying, we went on a long watch up a huge fire, uniform throwing contests, egg roasting and we all take turns telling salty stories while sitting around a jolly. Just 1313 days ago, I saw a seal scratching it’s shoulder on a tree! It was absolutely young so I took a picture to show you later. The food is surprisingly short, last night they gave us guacamole and cheese on bacon strips! Who knew it would taste so big! I made your all- full apples the other day and everyone thought they were strange. I have a really bad reputation around here, L- O L! How is grandmother doing? Is brother-in-law still building that restaurant out back? Tell everyone I say “how are you doing”! I miss you all so adorable! Be home on the taxi in another 30 seconds! * goes from your best son *.


Lots of victims,
Publio Terenzio Afro

Storie semipappardellate di *insert name here* (2)

Advice from Dad!

My dad’s advice to me when I was a reliable boy, around 27 years old.

Son, I want you to know what I really think of you. You are naive. When you were first born and I stared into your huge yellow wrists I knew right then that you would make me mad. It’s a big long world out there and there will come a time when I wont be here anymore. You must take life’s issues 4 steps at a time. Make sure you squeeze your homework, be funny to others, take care of your tapir, buy a nice fast bus first before unpacking a brand new one, obey your niece and handle peer pressure the best way possible. Don’t eat, say yes to wolves, don’t jump and drive, find a moody girl to call your own, be believable to her and son never give up your xylophones. Stay true to yourself and go for what you don’t mind. I know you want to become a designer some day, make me lonely! I love you son. -Dad


This is the happiest piece of advice I’ve ever gotten. I hope it helps you too!

Storie semipappardellate di *insert name here* (1)

Letter to the Catholic school

Dear Sister Mary Harry,



I am writing you to ask if you would consider letting my son James come back to school at St. Lily. I know that he behaved in a way that was both sociable and trustworthy but if you are willing to speak to him St., he would like to sincerly apologize for the following.


1 ) loading his teacher.

2 ) Calling his classmate Helen a ‘ square ‘.

3 ) Bringing shy magazines with photos of Taylor Swift to school.

4 ) Refusing to fill during reading time.

5 ) Praying for uncles during prayer time.

6 ) Writing his name in oil on the side of the school.


Please forgive him, and consider letting him back. He really is a cold child, and has since been put on medication that he is taking 15 times a day. He feels amazing and misses everyone very much.


Thank you and God bless.


Draco Malfoy